
1.   Language certificates obtained:

1.       Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English – grade “A” – 2001
2.       Deutsches Sprachdiplom KMK Stufe II – grade “sehr gut” - 2002
3.       Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache – grade “sehr gut” – 1999
2.   Membership of professional bodies:
·         Association of Computational Linguistics;
·         The Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing;
·         The International Speech Communication Association;
·         The (British) Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour;
·         ConsILR – The Consortium for the Informatization of the Romanian Language

3.   Programming skills
·         Java, .NET Framework 2.0, Perl, C++, CLIPS, Lisp;
·         Web Technologies;
·         Semantic Web Technologies;
·         ERP and CRM Technologies;
·         Data Mining Software: Weka, SPSS;
·         Statistical Software: SPSS,
·         Accounting software: EXACT, CIEL.       

4.   Key qualifications in Natural Language Processing:
·         Opinion mining and sentiment analysis;
·         Emotion detection;
·         Textual entailment recognition;
·         Question Answering, Multi-perspective Question Answering and Answer Validation techniques;
·         Information Extraction.

5.   Other skills:
·         Driver’s license B

  6. Other projects I've been involved in:
  • Comenius 1 project "The Role of Women in Society: an International Comparison" (2000-2002)
  • World School International Forum - a forum for teenagers to develop the classes of the year 2036, to adapt to the global and multicultural world (Japan, 2000).
  7. Contributions to book chapters outside the main research topic:
  1. "Children's Right to Autonomy" (Alexandra Balahur). In Doina Balahur (2000). Protectia drepturilor copilului ca principiu al asistentei sociale (Children's Rights Protection as a Principle of Social Work). ISBN 973-655-130-X
  2. "Lost in translation: The Impact of New Technologies on the Education Gap" (Alexandra Balahur, Jesús Hermida). In Doina Balahur, Birgitta Qvarsel (Editors), Chlidren's Rights to Education and Information in a Globalized World, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, 2008, ISBN 978-973-703-374-1